Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The human body is 70% water or more depending on who you ask.  It is the life fluid of our bodies.  We need it everyday and we need lots of it. 

How much water should I drink?  - Specific amounts can differ between individuals because we are all different shapes and sizes.  I recommend carrying a water bottle with you all day long, sipping consistently.  Treat it with the same level of importance that you do your cell phone!  This way you will never go thirsty and you will reap the benefits.

What king of water should I drink? - Water is a commodity in the modern world.  The typical trends of marketing have been applied to water just like other health and nutrition products.  I have even seen water that said FAT FREE!!  Of course its fat free its WATER!! (There is no fat in water...never has been and if it has fat its not water).  First and foremost there is no good and bad here its all depending on the level of your commitment and circumstance.  Tap water is the most accessible, but it is not the best you can find.  When choosing water always look for the source.  Since many of you probably drink bottled water check on the side of the bottle where it was sourced from.  You can also consider filtering and the type of bottle it has been stored in.  Filtering can benefit purity and help to eliminate any environmental poisons that can get into drinking water (man made or natural compounds).  Plastic bottles can leach chemicals into the water if the bottle has been subjected to heat.  Our world is full of pollutants and there are lots of ways for these pollutants to end up in the water.  Do the best you can for your current circumstances to get the highest quality water you can find.  It will help to optimize your health and that is what its all about!!